Art by Pegi Eyers
Elizabeth Fisher and Shirley Ranck—
“Authors of germinal religious education curricula focused on feminist spirituality and woman-honoring traditions, originally published by the UU Women and Religion program, their work with Rise Up & Call Her Name and Cakes for the Queen of Heaven continues to change the lives of women around the country by introducing them to a vision of what the world could be like if the divine was imaged as female.” *
For more information about Elizabeth Fisher check out these:
Meet the Author
Liz Fisher’s Women and Religiou Autobiographical Statement
* From the blog of Molly Remer, a UU super goddess woman in her own right: top-thirteen-most-influential-people-in-goddess-spirituality
Molly Remer (WoodsPriestess) says: I find that feminist spirituality can be distinguished from paganism because of the inclusion of a core sociopolitical orientation and distinct socio-cultural critique. Feminist spirituality to me is the intersection of religion and politics. It is religious feminism. It may or may not include literal experience of or perception of the Goddess, but it names the female and the female body as sacred, worthy, and in need of defense and uses Goddess symbols, metaphors, stories, and experiences as primary expressions of divinity and the sacred.