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Experienced by thousands of groups and individuals around the world since 1995, Rise Up and Call Her Name is a self-contained 13-session course that weaves together spiritual stories worldwide that honor female divinities. By focusing on artistic and intellectual tools which facilitate self development and personal integration, these stories become relevant and inspiring to the individuals participating.
A gestalt of attributes integral to varied cultures, Rise Up presents a textured spiritual inquiry often missing from exclusively male imaged, monotheistic belief systems. Techniques for capturing and sharing discoveries on this journey are introduced as crucial tools for traveling.
Sacred narratives, both historical and contemporary, create the value context for societies. Stories from spiritual traditions that honor the female divine and teach Her ethical lessons are the focus of this innovative curriculum. Tales of Her diverse shapes, colors, sounds and movement prove to be powerful devices for reclaiming and actualizing human potential.
Ecological awareness is prominent on this journey. Cycles, interconnection and biodiversity are given form and substance through stories that portray both the power and process of Nature, advocating reverence for Her.
Circles of participants or individuals traveling solo undertake personally relevant activities. Through visual images, chants, creative rituals, movement and hands-on art projects, a fresh perspective on qualities such as fearlessness, compassion, nurturing and the unfolding of personal spirituality arise. Also, knowing there are traditions that value the female but in no way deprecate the male can provide inspiration and sustenance to both women and men. And its lots of fun!
Healing, both personal and cultural, is often a benefit of this journey. Stimulated by the knowledge of the female divine these stories and activities unfold, we frequently discover life-affirming, but often underdeveloped, aspects of our own unique personalities.
Written in modular format, Rise Up can easily be undertaken in shorter segments. The DVD and Music CD of recorded chants, songs and instrumentals are especially useful for crafting shorter presentations. These updated formats make selections easier to find and play as well as use independently from the longer course.
As an individual experience, viewing the DVD and listening the CD, which only takes a few hours, can open new and exciting possibilities of reflection and insight.